A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Turkey Tourist Visa for Emirati Citizens

Are you an Emirati citizen with a wanderlust for exploring the vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes of Turkey? Well, we have great news for you! Our comprehensive guide will take you on a step-by-step journey towards obtaining your Turkey tourist visa hassle-free. From necessary documents to expert tips, get ready to embark on an adventure like no other. Whether you’re dreaming of strolling through Istanbul’s historic streets or marveling at the ancient ruins of Ephesus, this blog post is your ultimate travel companion. So grab your passport and let’s dive into the world of Turkish wonders! Turkey Tourist Visa

What is a Turkey Tourist Visa?

If you are an Emirati citizen and want to visit Turkey, the first step is to obtain a tourist visa. The Turkish government has several types of tourist visas available, including a single-entry visa, a multiple-entry visa, and a transit visa.

To apply for a tourist visa, you will need your passport (containing at least six months validity), your national ID card or driving license (if using your national ID card as identification), and proof of travel insurance. You can apply for a tourist visa at any Turkish embassy or consulate in the UAE.

The application process usually takes around two weeks to complete. Once you have received your visa approval letter, you will need to present it when arriving in Turkey. Failure to present your approved visa upon arrival may result in being refused entry into the country.

How to Apply for a Turkey Tourist Visa

If you are a citizen of the United Arab Emirates and you would like to visit Turkey, the first step is to obtain a tourist visa. The process of obtaining a tourist visa can be time-consuming and complex, but with the help of this guide, it will be easy for you to get started.

To begin your visa application process, you will need to gather all of the necessary documents. These documents include your passport photo, a letter of invitation from an authorized travel agent or tour operator in Turkey, your airline ticket confirmation, proof of adequate funds (if traveling on a budget), and your visa application form. Turkey Visa for Emirati Citizens

Once you have gathered all of your necessary documents, you will need to submit them to the Turkish embassy or consulate in your home country. It is important to note that not all embassies or consulates are open during standard business hours; some may only be open during weekdays between 8:00am and 12:00pm or 1:00pm and 5:00pm. You should also be aware that some embassies or consulates may require additional documentation before granting a tourist visa.

Once your application has been submitted, it may take up to six weeks for a decision to be reached. If everything goes according to plan, you should receive notification that your visa has been approved or denied within two weeks of submitting your application. If you do not receive notification within two weeks, please contact the embassy or consulate directly for more information about the status of your application

How to Get a Turkey Visa

If you are an Emirati citizen and would like to visit Turkey, the first step is to obtain a tourist visa. There are several ways to do this:

You can apply for a tourist visa online or in person at the Turkish embassy or consulate in your country of residence.

You can also apply for a tourist visa at the Turkish border control if you are travelling by air.

If you are travelling by land, you can apply for a tourist visa at the Turkish border control if you are travelling through Turkey from one of its neighbouring countries.


If you’re looking to travel to Turkey and want to do so without having to worry about a visa, then our step-by-step guide is perfect for you. By following the instructions in this article, you will be able to obtain a Turkish tourist visa easily and without any trouble. You’ll also be able to enjoy your trip hassle-free, knowing that you won’t have to spend hours waiting in line at the embassy or spending money on unnecessary services. Thanks for reading!